Chimichanga: The Sorrow of the World's Worst Face! #4

The cover of my copy of this issue doesn’t match the one in the core. As far as I know, there’s no variant cover, so I’m not sure where the one you have came from. I notice that it doesn’t have the Dark Horse logo, issue number, or price on it, which makes me think it is not a retail cover.


It is indeed a retail cover. My copy of #4 is the same, and it was for sure purchased retail. Price is in the upper left corner.


The one I posted in this thread is the one to which you’re referring? That’s the one I have, too. I am submitting it to replace the one that’s currently in the Core. That’s the one that doesn’t seem to have the price etc. Posting it here:

Ah, my mistake! I misread your original post. Yes, I agree, the cover in the core is incorrect.


No worries. That’s what I figured. I’m sure I could have been a little clearer.