CLZ Comics 9.4 is live: Re-design of Pull List feature (and now called “NCBD”)

Today is New Comic Book Day, so the perfect day to release CLZ Comics 9.4 with our new NCBD feature!
“NCBD” is what was previously called “Pull List”, but we figured that the name NCBD was a better fit of what the feature does, especially after today’s complete re-design.

Here’s what’s new:

  • In the Add Comics screen, the fourth tab is now called “NCDB” (previously “Pull List”)
  • Navigate over weeks with next/previous arrows, or tap for a dropdown
  • Release list now directly shows the issues, as a Card View with big images
  • Tap an issue to see all its variants
  • New: filter by “#1’s” to show all #1 issues (so all new series)
  • Sort issue list by Popularity or Alphabetically

To try the new NCDB tool for yourself, open the Add Comics screen, then choose the 4th tab called “NBCD”!

Navigate over weeks with next/previous arrows

Easier navigation over the weeks with the next week / previous arrows next to the week heading. Or if you prefer the old way, just tap the heading to select from a dropdown of all available weeks.

Release list now directly shows the issues, as a Card View with big images

In previous versions, the new releases where grouped into Series folders, but we dropped that. Starting with this version, the release list instantly shows you the issues itself, in a Card View with big images of the regular A covers.

Issues that have multiple variants are shown as a stack of comics, also indicating the number of available variants. Tap the issue to see all variants.

Note that the background of the issue number box indicates if you already have one of its variants in your database (blue for in collection, orange for wish list)

New: filter by “#1’s” to show all #1 issues (so all new series)

You can filter down the looonnnnggg new release list using the tabs above the list:

  • All: show all issues to be released in the selected week (previously called “Discover”)
  • #1’s: show #1 issues only, so new series (NEW)
  • My Series: show all new issues for series I own
  • Pull List: shows all new issues for series on my Pull List

Sort issues by Popularity or Alphabetically

Use the toggle at the top right to switch between Alphabetical sorting or by Popularity.

The popularity is calculated by what we call the “cloud count”, that is, the number of users who have the issue (or one of its variants) listed in their cloud data already (either in their collection or on their wish list).

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New update looks great. Much more useful and intuitive. Nice work.


Can I ask how the “popularity” is attained?

Is it based on how many users have “starred” the title to be added to their pulls?

The popularity is actually per issue, not per title, and is based on how many users have already added that issue to their wish list or collection.

I love the 9.4 update, but just today I’m wondering if I’ve come across a blind spot, or perhaps I’m just missing the solution. Before 9.4 I would see a list of my Pull List titles, with a star beside them, in my Pull List, and I would simply unstar a series as it completed, or I was no longer interested in having it in my Pull List, etc. Now, with 9.4 I no longer see that list, and I’m unsure how to remove a series from my NCBD Pull List.

For example, I have the Jackpot & Black Cat limited series in my NCBD Pull List, but the series has now ended. I don’t see a simple way of removing that series from my NCBD Pull List, and because I’ve overlooked it, it’s not even listed in the NCBD tab as This Week, Last Week, Earlier, etc. The best I’ve come up with is to try adding it as a Series, noting that it’s already starred and unstarring.

What am I missing?

I agree - it would be nice to access a master list of everything currently starred for easier maintenance.

One possible solution - add a new Pull List folder in the Collection views along with a star option on the series view. This would be somewhat similar to Read It but at the Series level, not issue level.

A star option in the Manage Pick Lists would be another suggestion but that would only cover maintenance and not provide a master list.

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Thanks for your reply @PellonX, not bad suggestions. I was thinking something as simple as just adding the list back into the NCBD area, or simply having the Pull List be pushed and having it show the titles within said Pull List, with stars, that could then be unhighlighted. As it stands now, aside from Add Comics, I’m not sure how you remove something from your Pull List. And it’s even worse for us old guys when we forget what we have/had in our Pull List.

I may have found a solution - at least if you also use Comic Connect.

I found this older post that indicated that pull list doesn’t sync through the Cloud. However, it looks like this may have changed.

I added a series to Pull List on the app earlier in the week. In comparing NCBD between app and Connect, I noticed that the series was displaying in Connect. I did a couple of tests and found that you can see pull list series data sync’ing with the Cloud (it shows an upload of the issue that was viewed when toggling the star but it is adding the full series to the Pull List).

It works in reverse too. I added Ult Black Panther on Connect, sync’ed the app, and now it’s on the Pull List there too.

So, why is this good? Connect also still shows all pull list series, even those not released in the selected week(s) - see the light gray items at the bottom of the list. The list also still has the star toggle:

So kind of back to your comment… We just need the full pull list displayed in CLZ app like it’s still showing in Comic Connect (or another, similar view).

Pull Lists DO indeed sync.

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You guys are right, the MANAGEMENT of what is on your Pull List is something that is missing from the new NCBD design that was released lately.

We ARE aware of that. We even discussed it before release, but we could not come up with a good solution at that time. So we decided to focus on the actual USAGE of the NCBD feature and the Pull List.

Basically, what is currently missing is a good way to SEE which series are on your pull list currently (regardless of releases) AND an easy way to REMOVE series from your pull list.

In the previous design, that management was kind of integrated into the usage part, but that is not possible here, as the new design is centered more around releases of actual issues.

So maybe we need to just provide an actual “Manage Pull List” popup, something like that, behind a little gears icon.