CLZ Comics New Check Values Using Barcode Scanner Glitch?

Tried to scan a comic today to test the new feature; however, the camera activates, but not in a mode like your normal CLZ barcode scanner. Instead, it comes up as a magnified camera view with no scan at all. I’m using iOS 17.1.2. Is it a bug or am I missing something?

The check value feature was introduced in CLZ Comics on November 30th 2023. Did you ever try it or was today the first time?

Could you post a screenshot here what it looks like for you?

I’m referring to the new feature that Alwin sent the email notice about today. But now that I have read more closely, I see that he was referering to Comic Connect. And yes, this was the first time I tried it with the mobile app. Shouldn’t I be seeing something similar to the scan screen that’s in the CLZ Scanner app with the scan box outline?

Yes indeed, the email was about the same feature but for Comic Connect!

The feature in CLZ Comics mobile app has 2 tabs at the top:
By Issue
By Barcode

If you tap By Barcode, it should show you a scan screen similar to the Add Comics screen (if set to Barcode there).

If that isn’t working for you in CLZ Comics mobile app, or shows weird, could you show me a screenshot from your app to show me what it looks like for you?

Here is what I’m getting. It’s not the screen I get with CLZ Scanner.

It seems like a problem with using bigger fonts in iOS.

As a test, could you go into your iphone setting, set the font size to normal or smaller, then try the screen again?

It might still be a bug and that the app should ignore font size in that screen - but I was hoping you could try it out on your phone with smaller font size?

And your regular “add comics” screen looks normal with this font size setting on your device?

Turns out the issue was Display Zoom. Once I switched it to the default setting, I now get the correct scanner screen. I also tried a variety of font sizes from smallest to largest, but they had no effect. It was the Display Zoom.

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Welp, good to know!

I do wonder if Display Zoom also messes up the normal Add Comics barcode scanner.

In any case, do you need Display Zoom on for your phone? Because this might still actually be something the development team should look into on our side of course.

The regular Add Comics screen was not affected by the Display Zoom. CLZ Scanner was not affected. Only the recent feature. I don’t need the enlarged display, but I do prefer it. Not sure why Check Value scanner should behave differently than the other two. :man_shrugging:t2:

Alright, we will investigate the difference in the scan screens so you can use it even with display zoom switched on! Thanks for letting me know!

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!