CLZ Movies still pulling from IMDB?

I used CLZ movies for a while, but let my subscription lapse. One of the issues I had was that i buy a lot of TV series and Anime series, which are split across multiple volumes, and rather than the database linking to the individual release, it would link to the whole show, so i would have to do a lot of manual updates to seperate them out into their proper sets. Even for movies there are often numerous releases so i would have to add in details like whether it was a special edition, etc.

I tried the app for a couple months after that, and its scans for the specific release, which is exactly what i want… but adding multiple items is very cumbersome (gotta do it one at a time) and I strongly prefer the sorting and collection management functionality of CLZ.

Is there a best of both worlds solution where CLZ would pull information from the specific release rather than the imdb entry for the whole show?

Yes, we can happily confirm that we still have an official IMDb data license, so that, unlike our competitors, we can provide quality cast and crew data, plus daily updated IMDb Ratings.

I don’t think the problem you are referring to is caused by us “pulling from IMDb”. That just sounds like Core entries that need to be fixed.

I recommend to report these series in the Core errors sub-forum, so that we can take a look.

Thanks, Alwin. I will see about re-upping my subscription this weekend when I get paid and dig into the issues. Would you prefer i submit the corrections through the app or post them here?

We prefer reports about Core errors to be posted here.