Collector desktop vs Connect web-based

Looks like there is some confusion and misunderstanding about

  1. the status and future of the Collector desktop software
  2. switching over to the Connect web-based software.

Let me try to clear things up.

Status and future of the Collector desktop software

First, don’t worry, the desktop software is not going anywhere!
The software will keep working, it will not be closed down or something. You can keep using the software and it will still be able to access CLZ Core for adding new collectibles, it will still sync with CLZ Cloud too.

However, the complete focus of our developers is on the Connect web-based software and the CLZ mobile apps. So it is unlikely that there will be any feature updates for the desktop software.
We will keep doing necessary maintenance updates for as long as it is feasible for us to do so, and only to keep the desktop software compatible with CLZ Core, CLZ Cloud and possible breaking Windows updates. We will do this for as long as it is feasible.

Also, once we update Connect with more fields (e.g. User Defined Fields (UDFs), customizable episode lists), we will update the desktop software to at least upload your local data in those fields to the CLZ Cloud (if only to make it possible for you to finally switch to the Connect web-based software).

Other than that, the feature set of the desktop software is frozen. You can keep using it, but if you want to enjoy our updates and progress, then switching to Connect is the way to go.

Switching to the Connect web-based software

After working on Connect for 15 years (it was launched in 2009!), we are now confident that, for MOST users, Connect is a better solution than the Collector dekstop software.
So would like to see THOSE users switch to the Connect web-based software, preferably ASAP. For clarity: not ALL desktop users, but MOST desktop users.

Whether you should switch to Connect depends on the product you use and on the way you use it. In more details:

  • for Game Collector users, I would recommend EVERYONE to switch to Game Connect. You won’t miss a thing. UDFs would be the only dealbreaker there (for now that is, until we actually implement UDFs in Connect)

  • for Book Collector, I would recommend almost everyone to switch, unless you’re cataloging ebook files, using the “Contents” tab for books or if you’re using UDFs,

  • for Comic Collector, same, almost everyone could and should switch, with the Contents tab and UDFs as the only dealbreakers.

  • for Movie Collector, the dealbreakers would be: cataloging movie files, custom episode lists for TV series, or UDFs. Other than that, everyone could and should go to Connect.

  • for Music Collector, the switch to Connect is recommended for a smaller group of users, as there are more dealbreakers. I do NOT recommend the switch if you:
    – absolutely need to add CDs by scanning them in your CD-ROM drive
    – need to catalog and link to music files
    – need to catalog extensive track level info (Connect only has Artist/Title/Length for tracks)
    – need to catalog extensive classical music specific details, like Composition, with all the Composition sub fields. Composers and Composition at track level, etc…
    – need to use User Defined Fields

In general, over all products, there are a LOT of users who just use the software to keep track of which books/movies/music/comics/games they own. They just scan the barcodes or search by title, the item gets added to the list. Maybe they add some personal details like purchase info, upload a better cover image, but that’s that.
Those users should definitely switch to Connect, but of course Connect offers way more than that, so the group of “should switch” users is much much bigger.

About the mentioned dealbreakers: We are planning to add UDF functionality and custom episode list editing for movies, maybe even before the end of the year… So that will take away the dealbreakers for many more users.
But some things will just never happen for the Connect web-based software, for technical reasons, like cataloging files or scanning CDs in your CD-ROM drive.

Now, there are of course some other reasons some users do not want to switch to Connect:

  • I absolutely need to have my data on my local computer
  • I do not always have a reliable internet connection and when I am offline, I absolute need to be able to access my collection database.

Those are reasons we will never be able to take way, so if any of the above reasons holds for you, then you will have to stick with the Collector desktop software. No discussion or argumentation needed.

Why do we focus on web-based software?

Finally, some background on the direction we are going in:
We strongly believe that for computer use, the way to proceed is web-based software. And we are not alone in that, there are very few developers who are still developing or maintaining downloadable desktop software.

And for good reasons:

  • developing desktop software is expensive
  • customer support for downloadable desktop software is hard and expensive
  • offering downloadable desktop software in made harder and harder: Microsoft is clearly discouraging users to install software on their own computer. Google and McAfee are flagging websites that offer downloadable software as “unsafe”. Virus scanner and security tools clearly find installed programs scary and unsafe, especially if these programs dare to write files to the user’s Document folder (oh noes!!)
  • and finally, finding developers who still want to program Windows or Mac software is impossible nowadays. Everyone wants to either develop for web or for mobile. We will have ONE developer who is able to develop for Windows, but even he would prefer to work web-based (which is exactly what he is doing for most of his time at the moment)

On the other hand, there are many inherent advantages to web-based software.

The advantages for us:

  • developing web-based software is faster and much cheaper
  • working web-based gives us more freedom to create the UI exactly as you want it, as opposed to being restricted by development platforms and the Windows API
  • web-based software is natively “cross-platform”, it works on PCs, on Macs, on Linux, iOS, Android and of course on netbooks.
  • with web-based software, there are less dependencies on 3rd party software. In the past, browser specific issues were a problem, but even that is a thing of the past.
  • supporting users is much easier, as we can log in to user’s accounts, see what they see, and often simply fix the problem for them
  • all users are always on the latest version, which really helps with support

The benefits for users:

  • managing the software is much easier. No need to install software, no need to update software, no need to deal with database files, image files, no need to ever transfer software or data to a new computer (with all problems that can occur there).
  • users can log in to their software from anywhere, any computer and just continue where they left of, because even all software settings and customizations are stored server side

When we’re talking specifically about the CONNECT web-based, there are of course more advantages for users:

  • the Connect user interface is our latest UI design, which is easier to understand and easier to use. Examples: the Add screens with BIG cover images, managing columns/sort/folder favorites, edit screens, edit multiple tool, managing pick lists, import/export, print to PDF, etc… For most features, the functionality and design of Connect is lightyears ahead of their desktop counterparts.
  • Connect is always actively developed on, so you are getting regular updates with improvements and new features (and completely automatic too, as we install the updates for you)
  • the CLZ team can help you better if you’re on Connect. We can see what you see, spot problems and even fix them for you. (yes, I know this benefit is now listed twice, but it’s that important)