Comic added but not shown

I use both the CLZ comics App on Android and Collector on my desktop. I added a comic (Witchblade #16 Gold) and it didn’t show in my collection. I tried with both CLZ and Collector. Oddly, if I go to re-add the comic, in either application, the list shows a blue checkmark as if it is already owned. I added some other comics in that same series and the same thing happens now.
Other comics and other series. This does not seem to happen. I can still add them etc. Just fine.
I double-checked that things are synced. And I checked the cloud and the cloud does not show them in the collection.
Any ideas what might be going on?

I looked at your CLZ Cloud and it seems all your recent Witchblade additions are in a series folder called “The Darkness, Vol. 3”.

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What would cause them to show up there? Could it be an issue with Core? I added them by searching for Witchblade and picking volume 1. Never had this happen before.

No this is not an issue with Core. In Core these are all listed correctly.

It looks like your local series entries are messed up.
I recommending:

  • selecting all the problem comics
  • from the Action button, choose Update from Core
  • in the popup that appears, set the Series field to “REPLACE”
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I did this and it updated the series to Witchblade, Vol. 1. However, it still sorts alphabetically as ‘D’ rather than ‘W.’

Note that the above was done in ‘Comic Connect.’ I redid it in CLZ and it looks like it fixed the issue; in CLZ it now sorts under ‘W.’ In Connect it sorts under ‘D.’

I recommend checking the Sort Name for that series.