Copy Games To Collection

What is the recommended method to create a new collection and copy existing games to it? I noticed there is only the move option listed and not a copy option. I’d like to create a sub-collection of my games while maintaining the entire collection.

But then you’d have the games in your database twice, it would skew everything plus, if you change anything in one game in 1 collection, you’d also have to change it in the other collection (like if you change the location or rating, the other one won’t follow).

If you’re looking for this, it might be better to look into Grouping by tags, or a different field.

Can you explain what exactly you’re trying to achieve with a “second collection” here? Maybe I can think with you on how to best get there :slight_smile:

I could accomplish the same task using Tags, however, the Tags function does not separate individual Tags for filtering. So if I have say 2 Tags assigned to a game in my collection, I cannot just filter on 1 Tag, the Folder option only provides a filtering for both Tags. I figured if I could copy games to another collection, I wouldn’t need to leverage the Tags feature as heavily and be able to see the games I want to see, all from a specific category.

The exact use case I’m attempting is to copy all of my Limited Run Games collection to a new collection. I imported my collection from a previous app where I used custom categories to track titles within sub-collections such as LRG or EastAsiaSoft games. Within that app, each Category was it’s own filter, I could select multiple to see games across Categories if I wanted but it provided the viewing ease to see all games with that tag. I’ve found that even by publisher, not all LRG games are assigned properly in Core (some are listed as Limited Run, Limited Run Games or even a completely different publisher).

I assume when you refer to skewing everything, you mean any statistics are based off all collections not just the selected/active one?

Sorry, I don’t follow the above.

If you use Tag folders, you can just click a folder and it filters on that tag alone.

Perhaps some pictures will help…

Here is a LRG game with my Limited Run tag.

Here is another LRG game with the same Tag but also with a PSVR Tag because it is a PSVR title as well.

Now because in CLZ, Tags are not separated for Folder filtering, they are combined, so when more than 1 Tag exists on a game you end up with multiple Folder filters options like this:

There is no way that I can find to filter on just 1 Tag, such as Limited Run, when more than 1 Tag is present for those games. Hence why I wanted to copy all my LRG games to another collection.
The alternative is to somehow allow for Tags to be independent so a user could select just 1 Tag and have all the games shown with just that Tag and then if they wanted add another Tag to the filter as an AND. Because with my old collecting app, I was able to select just 1 Tag and see all the game with that one applied, here, as you can see, because games have multiple Tags, I can’t possibly do that with this many options.

But for that Accounting+ game, you have now set 1 tag called “Limited Run, PSVR”.

But you should have 2 tags:

1 tag “Limited Run”
1 tag “PSVR”

Then that game has 2 tags.

Then, it will appear in the Limited Run tag folder as well as the PSVR tag folder.

Would that solve it?

Ok now that you’ve pointed that out, it appears the import merged all the tags so anything I had with more than 1 category from my old app, merged them into the same tag per game, hence why I thought they were not filtering properly.

I assumed the Tags were imported as individual entries because I see them here what appeared separately…

But when you Edit the game, you can see they are in fact combined.

Hm, I do feel that comma separated on import should’ve split those up in multiple. But that might be for another day to fix.

What you can do is use Edit Multiple to fix this on your side:

  • Click on the “Limited Run, PSVR” tag folder

  • Click in a checkbox of a game, then at the top click ALL

  • Click EDIT

  • This is the Edit Multiple screen: now find “Tags” (search it) and make sure only Tags is on the right hand side.

  • Click “Edit”

  • Now, at the dropdown select REPLACE

  • Now, type in Limited Run and hit ENTER

  • Now type in PSVR and hit ENTER

This makes sure you now have 2 separate tags.
Now save it and it will replace your existing Limited Run, PSVR tag with 2 loose tags.

That should get you through this fairly fast I think.
Let me know how that goes!

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Thank you! I did figure out how to replace the tags, not in the sane step as you outlined above, I added the separate Tags in bulk, then removed the combined Tag in bulk. Looks like I’ll have a bit of work to do to tidy the remainder of the Tags up tonight!

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Alright, sounds good!

Note that you can also check out the menu top left, then Manage Pick Lists, and have a look there.

In any case, does this solve the original issue for you then? No need for copying to a separate collection right?

Yes it does! Now that I know why the Tags were showing up as combined and how to resolve them into separate, distinct Tags, the Folder view for just that Tag should work exactly as I had hoped. Really appreciate the help on this one.

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