Creating new collection from main (Core)

I use Book Connect and have only had a single Collection up till now. When I cull books, I want to keep a record of them, and up till now have marked them as Sold or For Sale.
I want to make a separate Collection just called ‘Culled’ and take them out of the general collection or ‘My book Collection’ (presumably = Core)

  1. I can’t find how to switch between the two collections. Is there something I’m missing on the Manage Collections screen? Do I have to log out and start again? I did that but still can’t find out how to get back to the ‘My book collection’ screen.

  2. Is there a way of adding from the Core in bulk, without entering each one manually?

Just use the tabs at the bottom left of the screen.

To move books from one collection to another, just select the books using the checkboxes in the list, then from the blue Action bar that appears, click the menu icon (the 3 dots), then Move to Other Collection.

Let me know if you need further help with that.

Brilliant. Thanks. I should check the whole screen!