Custom Creators & Characters

Can I set this as the default instead of core?
I want to sync my clz account to have the exact same details.

What exactly do you mean “setting it as default”?
(but I can already tell you there are no “settings” or “buttons” you can click for a bunch of comics).

If you modify the creator/character list that you got from Core, you have to set it to custom anyway, and it will stay custom forever during sync.

Hi Alwin,

Sorry, if I haven’t explained clearly.

Instead of the default for new additions being “Core Creators”, can it be changed to “Custom Creators”, same with Characters?

Also, all the comics in the clz app have the “core” details and I’ll like them to update to the custom.

Are these possible?



Any new comic you add will come with Core Characters and Core Creators. You can edit any comic, go to the Creators/Characters tabs, and set them to Custom, and then you can modify/edit them.

If that’s not what you’re looking for can you please explain your use case situation in detail?

Hi Alwin,

Thank you, I understand.

When the comics are uploaded to CLZ app, they don’t come with the changes.

I only include writer, artist, cover artist and then characters.

How can I ensure the app reflects the desktop fields?



@DArkspier on your desktop, right click a comic that you modified.

Then click “Edit”

Now go to the Creators & Character tab.

Verify that it is set to “CUSTOM”. If it is not, set it to custom, then hit OK.

Then sync with CLZ Cloud on the computer.
Then sync with CLZ Cloud on the mobile device.

That will ensure your own list is synced.

You can read about this functionality from the what’s new post when this was introduced last year:

Hi Alwin,

Every time I sync, the custom information comes up on the app, even though I’ve gone through the steps you’ve mentioned above.

When you mark a character/creator list as “custom” - the custom list will sync.

If that doesn’t happen, please show me screenshots of your computer version/mobile device, of the custom lists you’ve made.

Hi Alwin,
Here’s one example of 1000’s.

Can you also show a screenshot of your Edit Comic screen for that comic on the creators/characters tab? Did you mark it as custom?

Hi Alwin,

It was custom.

So how do i toggle all the comics to custom?

Can you edit the The Rise of Apocolypse #1 once again, verify that creators are set to custom, and show me with a screenshot?

Then, in the notes, just type like a “1” or something. Save it. Sync it.

Then sync on mobile.

Does it now sync the custom creators correctly?

It is not possible to mark “all comics as custom creators/characters” I’m afraid.

Hi Alwin,
Thank you, by both sync.
Not being able to change to custom in batch, not fun dong one by one.

Did you modify all your creators/characters lists?

(is our Core data for creators/characters not good for your collection?)

Hi Alwin,
Only a few, to make sure it was working.
I have over 25,000, so it will take while to do them all manually.

But, why are you doing them all manually if I may ask? Is the data coming from Core not good?

HI Alwin,
I use core as a based, but I tailor the detail of the Creators to Writer, Artist & Cover Artist and my Character enters are more detailed.

Thanks for that. Can I ask if you have tailored all 25,000 comics then? Or is this a work in process? I’m just trying to find out - perhaps I have another way of helping out here.

Not yet, only a few so far

PLEASE: keep the setting to CORE for all your comics, until you actually make a change.

Setting them all to CUSTOM while the list is the same as in Core is a HUGE waste of resources, on your and our side, so please don’t.