Data Not Loading - Scared

I just tried to open my database and the screen looks like this:

It has been loading for 10 minutes.

What has happened to the data please?



You didn’t do anything wrong, and no data was compromised.

There was a sorting issue on the background which affected the loading of your collection. All fixed now, and it should load again. Can you give it another go and let me know?

I logged in again and all was well.

Thank you Alwyn. Great customer service as always.


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My data on MusicConnect (on my computer) isn’t loading. It loads on my iPhone, but I am renumbering my CDs so prefer to do it on the computer. I hope I can retrieve these files!! Help!

@Ngl I think we already solved the case through email support with you - yours was a different problem though (KeithieW actually had a bug we had to fix, which was fixed 3 days ago).

If you’re still having troubles, do let me know.