Maybe you noticed, but I submit quite a lot of Edition details to the core. I try to be as correct as possible. Now I am checking the movie covers and sometimes I submit new or better covers for entries. Then I also going through entries I submitted in the past. I notice that the Distributor entry is empty again in the core so I resubmit it. This is really weird because the Distributor is one of the fields I am really focused on because many mistakes are made with this.
8711983443174 - Just Entertainment - missing
4013549074001 - Splendid Film - still Splendid Films instead of the correct name in submit screen - but in my cloud database it is without an s.
In multiple cases I also noticed “Remain in Light” is missing.
Why am I helping you by submitting data only to see that lots of changes are not picked up?
Also noticed complete submissions are ignored. It is not only this field, but all kinds of fields. Audio Tracks, Type of Case, Release dates etc.
The data you submitted still needs to be processed. We receive a lot of submissions daily so it can happen that your data is overwritten by a new report.
But apart from that, the most important thing is that it is correct in your personal database, and luckily that is the case.
We are going to process your submitted data today. Thank you for that.
(I’ve changed Splendid Films to Splendid Film btw, So that should now be correct in your cloud as well)
Some of the entries that are not correctly processed on your side are months or even years old. I understand that what I submit today can take a couple of days or maybe a week to process. But that is not what I am talking about. Example is barcode 8717662557811. Not many people have this movie. Even fewer would take the time to submit data for it. The reason I can submit so much data is because I guess almost nobody submits data. Otherwise I would expect a lot more information flowing in when I add new movies to my collection.
Anyway with this example in the past I submitted Release date and Distributor. 99% chance I was the person that also submitted the other technical data. When I submit again this is what I see:
Those 2 fields are empty in Core. I do not believe somebody submitted those 2 fields with empty data.
I understand the data is correct in my personal database and even my personal web version. But that is not my point. It is more about emotion. I put in an effort to collect information and submit it only to find out months later that parts of my submissions are missing. I can give you tons of examples where data is missing where I am pretty sure I submitted it. I have a system were I know I submitted data, I only don’t know the exact date I submitted data.
I the past I also had multiple suggestions and shared my experience about the submit screen, but I never seen any improvements to make life easier. Some of my suggestions were also related about submissions being ignored.
I also submit data to It takes even more time to do, but over there never has a submission been declined or only partially accepted. The only risk over there (like with you) that somebody overrides my submissions like I override somebody elses submissions. But with the amount of effort I put into it the chances are small somebody will correct me.
I think that number is too low. I think it should be more close to 1700. I have 1888 entries where I checked and verified all specs. For each entry I do a submission to you. Sometimes there is nothing to change, but that is hardly the case. From my feeling I submit in 90% of the cases. I could be mistaken.
I have a couple of recent examples where the whole submission is not processed. Of course it is possible that somehow I forgot to submit:
8719372018316 Strange Darling
3701432037806 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
8715664091395 Trust
If they are missing I will submit it (again).
If I only focus on cases where the Distributor is completely missing in Core I have the feeling that there are too many cases where it is missing. If a couple of submissions are missing I would say that I somehow forgot to submit. I will go through recent submissions to check what is missing. Maybe it is mainly missing in older submissions from a couple of years ago.
I have some other questions, but I will create a new topic for it.