Do you prefer a program or online?

One thing the web based can’t do yet is scan your local files to add them, important for music that isn’t in your core/database.


I am afraid that is something that will never be added to Connect. Connect is a website, running in your browser and website cannot scan local harddrives, for security reasons.
Also, Connect is web-based software, meant to be used from any computer and any mobile device. So linking to local files that are on one specific computer does not really fit that portable nature.

But in Movie and Book Connect, you can also customize all the automatically downloaded info, right?

Oh, yes. I’m not knocking the web-based because of its functionality or perceived lack there of. I’m sticking with Music Collector on the desktop because of all the extra stuff I’ve added that reside on my computer. Not because of what’s not available on the web-based software.

Yes, I realize it can’t happen. I use the mobile apps too, it’s not really about linking to the files, it’s the ability to add obscure titles without having to do it manually.

Locally installed application with no network dependency. The ability to synchronize to the web is great when I want to see my data (read only) from a mobile device but for everything else the application is preferred. Preferably with an ability to import/export and report/query locally.


Might we infer, then, that those who like to see the gears move (technoids?) are the ones more likely to discuss things here on the forum? I’m a desktop user and will remain so - I want the software here in my house, on my PC, when I’m cataloging.

And I do add electronic albums to my server, then send MuC out on the network to scan the files and catalog the albums. As noted, web-based won’t allow that.


Yes, is forum user base skewed toward desktop because the more serious power users are more likely to be the ones to participate in the forum?

I just wish you’d continue to support Mac, but I understand it’s probably a limited user base.


Desktop for me.


Desktop absolutely, but with the support of the mobile apps, for at least three reasons:
1: it is better software, eg User Defined Fields, though Connect may be enhanced later to include these
2: ability to edit Templates, which I used to do a lot in the past
3: Grandfathered subscription, so software always works without being forced to pay a fee.


Exactly how I feel! Could have written this post myself.

Web based is the right solution, in my opinion. I have everything I need and I don’t have to worry about saving my data. no keys, nothing. I connect to the internet and that’s all . I find my work again and again.

This has been an interesting discussion, and it’s clear there is a variety of viewpoints. Before I leave it, I thought I’d add a few thoughts. I see pros and cons to both.
Connect can be accessed from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. It uses no local system resources or overhead, requires no local storage, and is relatively fast as long as you have a reasonable internet connection. Updates happen in the background and are seamless. Your data is secure, or at least as secure as the service’s security system and server reliability. It’s all just “log on and go.”Many software companies are going this route, and with good reason. I imagine it’s easier and less costly to maintain and debug, and there are no distribution costs. Help systems and user assistance are probably easier as well. I’m sure there are many other benefits I haven’t listed. However, I’ve also noticed that some companies that use web-based systems still maintain downloadable software as well. Quicken, for instance, has gone web-based, but still offers software, now rebranded “Quicken Classic.”

So, why still have locally based software?
For some there is of course a psychological factor: a feeling that, whether real or imagined, you are still somewhat in control and can still function if you choose to pull the internet plug, have an outage, or are on a long international flight with no WiFi (if you’re one of those birds who still flies with a laptop). Roon last year changed their system to require an internet connection to operate, and there was a hue and cry on their forum. Internet outages are apparently still more common than we’d like. In the end, they’ve now reverted to a system that can be operated without an internet connection.

There is also the concern, although it may be a small one, that there will be some sort of system outage, or even that the company goes out of business - the fear of one day getting “web site not found” or the dreaded 404 error. Or the email telling us there’s been a security breach and our email addresses or whatever may have been compromised. Music Collector is probably too small a target for that, but you never know.

And then there’s data security. Although I’m sure web platforms have redundant storage systems, most competent computer users will also have reliable automatic triple redundancy backup systems, including a physical offsite backup.

The last, and for some, one of the most important benefits of Collectorz software is the ability to scan local files. For me it’s an occasional use, but a time-saver when needed. It’s usually a download I’ve purchased of a new release from a smaller, more obscure label that isn’t in core yet, or a used cd of some even more obscure regional music, or a self-published disc from my local bar band. Sometimes although not in Core, the metadata is available from an online source and I can update the files as I add them. Sometimes I have to edit the metadata on the files manually. Either way, if I can then scan to Collectorz, I only have to make updates once - no need to add the data manually to Collectorz.

Many of these pros and cons apply to the mobile apps as well. I like to look for used vinyl when I travel, and more than once I’ve found myself in a small shop somewhere with no cell service, browsing records and using the phone app to check if I already have something.

For me, while I recognize the value and benefits of Connect, I’ve weighed the pros and cons and decided the best combination to suit my needs (and paranoias) is desktop software and mobile apps. Others may come to different conclusions based on their needs, but I think the key is that one solution isn’t best for all needs.

Apologies for the long ramble.


Thank you for that long ramble. Well-reasoned and well-written. Stand by for another long ramble.

I don’t use Connect, mainly because I can do everything and anything I want with desktop MuC … so if it ain’t broke … But more importantly, web-based apps, as has been mentioned by you and others, lose the connection to local files. The actual music from my ~1200 CDs and LP albums resides on my home media server (about 32k tracks). The physical disks are on shelves, only archives now. All the CD and LP tracks had to be imported and converted to files the old-fashioned way - no shortcuts for them, and now I’m adding more streamed content as well.

A lot of my collection is esoteric stuff that never saw the inside of anyone’s catalog, so there’s significant manual labor involved in getting the content on the server and into Plex, a great server/player app but lousy cataloger.

All of this means that my cataloging software doesn’t just need, but requires local connections. Using MuC I can buy an old, Chilean LP from Discogs, convert its tracks to WAVs, save them on the server, then - ask MuC to scan those new files and save them as a new album, with much of the editing already done. Likely there aren’t many of us who need that much, so back to “different apps for different needs.”

If my assumptions are mistaken, would someone please correct me?


This sums up my experience as well. Thank you.

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I only depend on the desktop app for Music Collector. I am in the minority, I know. I use Connect for my movies and books.

I use all 3 currently. The desktop is an old friend. But the web programs do most of the work anymore.

CLZ App for when I’m at the store/cons
Currently Subbed to Web version because … laziness to switch sub back to PC software. Only thing going for me that I haven’t switched back to using the PC for is the “Shelf” view. It makes the screen shots to share with friends of my monthly Pull List or store/con purchases and my “Read This Month” so much nicer as I can get a lot more per screen.
PC is my go to. It’s insanely better at editing on the fly, batch editing, and just all around usage.

This is for Comic set of programs.


That is strange. Batch editing is where Connect is light years ahead of the desktop software.
Also, with today’s update, the regular Edit screens are now much better than those in the desktop too.

When I switched from PC to Mac last year, I also made the move from desktop to online for Books. Sure, change is hard sometimes. The transition was not bad, just learning some differences. I have been with the online version for about 9 months and I don’t really have any issues. I no longer have to worry if I have the current update to the software. I also use the app on my iPhone and iPad. It all works together nicely.

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