Edit title same as editing comic

Hey team! I was wondering if there has been any thought given to an option to edit the info about a title the same way we can a title.

Similar to how you would edit a phone contact.

Reason the idea came to me I was thinking if a way to label what titles in my collection I have ordered labels for the dividers. And I imagine tabs for the title like when you edit comics.

When you say edit a “title”, do you mean edit a “series”?

What exactly are you looking for? Just to have like more fields in the “Edit Series” screen?

(Right now, you can go to your menu top left, go to Manage Pick Lists > Series and tap on a series to edit it.)

Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that was there.

Honestly, not sure what I would I want to add or edit.

Thinking just similar things to the series edit, like a notes field, or a drop down for series type; ongoing, one-shot, mini-series, etc.

Things like that

Alright, noted.

Right now you can set it marked as “completed” though, but that’s more for when you feel you’ve completed the series!

I do track information about series. I am tracking things like Marvel Knights Spider-Man ended with #22 and became Sensational Spider-Man with #23.

A few years back I started picking an issue from that series (generally the first issue) and I added a User Defined field note to that issue (in Collector). One of my projects is to move that information to the issue notes field and add a “Series Note” tag so I can access that in the app.

Like the OP, my intent is to start ordering labels for series dividers. I think for now I’m going to make a tag for Labeled, Label Ordered, Label Wanted, etc. Then assign that tag to an issue in that series. The Tags / Series folder would then give a nice visual of the label status.

If I recall, Alwin said that user defined fields are on the list of possibilities for Connect and CLZ Comics. If/when that happens, I do think some fields on Series level would be helpful…

That’s interesting, and def things I would like to track as well.

I know my OCD sometimes drives requests to be made that are unreasonable. Haha

I do that now for labels, tracking what titles I need labels for. If you don’t know about them, check out Blind Science labels. They make the best!