Enlarge Details Window Font

I recently migrated from the (very) old Mac Desktop version of Movies to the latest Windows version. The font of the details window is now microscopic. Although I can do a global enlargement of the fonts in all windows, this makes navigation unmanageable.

Is there any way to enlarge the font in just the details window?

Thanks in Advance,


It is not possible to change the font size of the Edit screen, but if the letters really are very small, your best option might be to play around with DPI settings on your computer.

The font sizes in the edit screen are controlled by the DPI settings of your Windows. It sounds like you may have changed them (or Windows automatically may have).

On Windows 10 this might work:
Right-click on the executable for each of the app that display this behavior, go to Properties/Compatibility and disable “display scaling on high DPI settings”.

That is a peculiar migration.
Why not migrate to the Movie Connect web-based software?

Hi Alwin,

I prefer to have the customization and control of the desktop version — especially with user defined fields. Also, we live in a remote area where the internet is occasionally flakey, so I always try to keep applications and data on my local devices.

Hello and thanks for the tip on dpi. That was the key:

I am using a Mac Studio Display which was set to its native resolution for Retina Display. So, I changed the setting to “scaled”:

From the Parallels MacOS toolbar –– View > Retina Resolution > Scaled

which is best for “legacy apps.” Now it looks exactly like it should with nice big (and legible) fonts and graphics.

Thanks again for the solution!


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