Export comic collection from desktop to moblie app

OK, My problem being…
I just got the mobile app on my phone… I want to put my collection into it.I have been using the desktop version for years. BUT, I have the collection in 2 folders on the desktop, Personal collection and Get rid of collection. I have the get rid of collection on the cloud… I want my personal collection on the mobile app. From my understand from what I have read, I am going to have to clear the cloud of the Get rid Of Collection to put in my Personal collection, then load that to the phone.
Was wondering if there is a way to bypass the cloud to keep that collection there and get my Personal collection on the app without the cloud.
I should have tried to figure this out sooner as I am getting set to head to Terrificon, but if worse comes to worse, I can always take my paper list with me… LOL

Why not MERGE the two databases you have on desktop into ONE database with two sub-collections?

THEN, you can just sync and have BOTH in cloud AND on mobile.

You can only sync ONE database file to the CLZ Cloud.
If you have multiple database files, then the solution is to first merge the databases into one database file with multiple collections. Here’s how:

  1. Open one of your database files.
  2. Then use File > Import from > Other Database to import your other database files, one by one. For each one, you will get a popup asking you if you wish to import the database as a separate collection. Answer YES to that.

Now you should have one database file, with multiple collections as tabs at the bottom of the screen.
You can use File / Manage Collection to rename your collections if you want.

After this, you can sync all collections to the CLZ Cloud. In the CLZ Cloud site they will appears as tabs at the bottom too.

TIP: to do a clean sync, you want to CLEAR your CLZ Cloud first. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the CLZ Cloud website at: https://cloud.collectorz.com/comics
  2. LOG IN using your CLZ Account (this is important, don’t skip this step!).
  3. Click the menu icon top left and under TOOLS, choose “Clear Database”.
  4. Now start your Collector desktop software and synchronize with the CLZ Cloud.

Thank you! Will give this a try.