Export to CSV?

Is there no way of doing this now?

Sure, that is still possible, nothing changed there.

You can’t export directly from mobile device, but you can export from your CLZ Cloud page.

Here’s what to do:
(if you’ve already synced your collection you can start with step 3)

On your mobile app:

  1. Open the menu top left and tap “Sync with CLZ Cloud”
  2. Now sync, and make sure everything is synced.

On your desktop computer (PC or Mac):
3. Go to your CLZ Cloud webpage and login.

4. Click the menu icon top left and then click “Export to CSV/TXT” .
Or choose “Print to PDF”!

  1. You can now select a sort order and also choose the fields you’d like to export.
  2. Click “Generate” at the bottom and then download the resulting file.

Ah, brilliant. Thanks Alwin.