Extent of the classification by Location

I am classifying my library thanks to CLZ. Nice Application.
Which field do you recommend using to add ‘coordinates’ to the ‘Location’ field. I am using ‘Location’ in a broad way (For example, room, house or flat) but for some cases it would be very useful to be able to search by shelf or furniture (I have each of the shelves identified with a code of 4 letters and numbers).

I think I would use:

Room - Shelf A0321

as one single location.

Alternatively you could repurpose another field like Tags for it. But someone might have a different idea on that :slight_smile:

If you use 2 fields, Location and Tag I would think to use Tag as the “house” and “Location” as the shelf.

And then foldergroup on “Tags” with “Location” as second folder group (you can set up Multi-level foldering in the folder dropdown top left! )