FAQ: Why am I not getting values for some of my comics?

To get value for a comic, this is what needs to happen:

  1. CovrPrice needs to have a fair market value calculated for that comic. So if you don’t see a value, always check the CovrPrice.com site first. If CovrPrice does not have a value listed for your comic, then that is why you don’t see a value. This usually happens because there have not been any recent sales for that comic on auction sites like eBay.
  2. Our Core entry for that comics needs to be linked to the corresponding CovrPrice entry. We already have most of our database linked, which should give most users values for about 80% to 90% of their comics. We are still working on linking the rest. If you want us to prioritize linking your series/comics, please report them in this forum.
  3. Finally, your local entry needs to be linked to Core’s correct comic and variant. If you suspect that may be the problem, use “Re-Link Core Variant” from the Action menu on the comic details page.
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A post was split to a new topic: Value not updating

A post was merged into an existing topic: Green Hornet #1 value not updating

@CLZ_Alwin just to clarify, a book is not linked when there is no CovrPrice option for that book correct?

Not Linked:

Vs. Linked but no value:

Exactly, if there is not CovrPrice box at all, then it is not linked.
If you do see a CovrPrice box, but without a value, then it IS linked (but CP just does not have a value).

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I am getting a Not Linked message. I tried the Relink Core Variant on the Actions menu. I get a screen with all the variants (mine is 1M). I click on the variant’s cover but it does nothing (that I can tell).

This has been linked

Spider-Man Vol.1 No44 Newstand is not linked.

It has been linked now.

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Alfred Harvey’s Black Cat is not linked.

I have linked that for you now.

I’ve got about 80 comics in my CLZ Comic Connect db where a value shows up for them in CovrPrice, but not in Comic Connect. This post (above) I think tells how to do that. But alas! I have no idea as to which page is the “comic details page”; or where the “Action menu” is, from which one can choose “Re-Link Core Variant”. Please impart a few more details so I can get these entries linked. As always, TIA for any help with this!

The screen shown by Fadz above is the comic details page.
At the bottom of that you will find the Action button.

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Ah! Thanks!

Okay! I went to a similar-looking page, and then scrolled down all the way. No Action button there. Perhaps I’m using a diff type or version of Collectorz Comic Connect software? *** So next I clicked on the 3 lines icon in the upper left (I’ve heard it called “the hamburger icon”, and dropped down that list of things you can do. Then I clicked on the IMPORT/EXPORT item, towards the bottom of the drop-down list (and, I will note, doesn’t show, unless you scroll down). Now I see some choices on importing or exporting, and the last item in that 5-item list says “Link Comics”. I’m thinking maybe that performs the same function as “Re-Link Core Variant” ? I’m going to give that a try and see what happens. Oh! Also, I attached some screenshots to show what I’ve been seeing, Oh, wait, no, I don’t see a way to attach pictures.

Hm. Didn’t seem to work. This time I was trying to link a Red Ryder /Little Beaver #3 comic. Ran the Link Comics procedure, but those two (the one in my CLZ Comic Connect db and the one in my CP db) still don’t appear to be linked. Suggestions?

My instructions were for the CLZ Comics mobile app.

In Comic Connect, above the details area where it shows the details of one comic, click the menu icon, then Re-Link Core Variant:

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