Feature Request: Default Views for Collections

Hey, good to be here, looking forward to participating in the forum. I have a feature request I figured I’d toss out and see if it resonates with anyone else.

I use CLZ with three separate collections:

  1. My “actual” collection
  2. My reading (eg using CLZ to track the dates and ratings of comics I read)
  3. Comics I have for sale

In each case I have a different sorting and view I prefer, so switching between the collections usually means spending a few seconds switching up the options. For example, for my own collection I like the Standard Series/A-Z, then issue format, where in the reading collection I use Year Added/Date Read. For sales, I usually go no folders alphabetical. It would be great if you could select a “default” sorting view for each collection, or just turn on a feature where each collection’s folder/sorting options remain discrete even if you change them in a different collection.


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You’re in the right spot, it’s good to see suggestions here. Thank you!

Your suggestion: is on the ideas list actually, but indeed it would likely have to be a setting so you could opt to have them be remembered between subcollections, or to have separate settings for each subcollection.