Feature Request: NCBD - no B's

I have never really used the pull list feature in CLZ. With 9.4, I started taking a look. Even if I don’t star any series, the automated My Series is a good starting point.

Unfortunately, I generally get 10-15 issues/week and with the number of variants, I’m not sure NCBD will save me much time over barcode scanning. That said, I mostly get A covers. If you added the B/no B filter like supported when adding from Series, then i could just select all A’s and add them in one shot.

I am a bit surprised about this.
I mean, one of the main points of the redesign was to give you all EXACTLY THAT :slight_smile:
“Showing just A covers of all new issues” is now the DEFAULT View even.

Take a look at this screenshot:

Looking at your screenshot, you selected the ALL RELEASES option at the top, which is MEANT to show all releases, including variants.
But the default view, as shown above, where you START, only shows the regular A covers for all of this week’s releases.

The concern is that the stacked card view isn’t how you actually add the items. You still have to click on each issue and select the variant(s) individually. Based on this, it’s just as fast to use the barcode scanner.

What I’m proposing is adjusting the unstacked All Releases view to give you the Hide Bs option as it already appears when you use the non-NCBD Add Series. It would be a bonus if the non-All views (#1s, My Series, Pull) had a similar unstacked view option.

Maybe this is the way it waa previously but I never used add by Pull, i used the barcode scanner.

True, if you want to add them, you have to tap to open up the issue to see all variants, then add the A variant.
But the “Hide Variants” view you were looking for IS there, right? And better looking than ever!

Yeah, that indeed has been the request for the Pull List / NCBD feature for many years. So in the 9.5 release we finally made that possible. But… IMO… in a much nice way, with big Cards with BIG images, nicely indicating the number of variants, etc…

Well yes, of course, if you already have the comics in hand, adding by barcode is ALWAYS the faster way :slight_smile:
The NCBD feature is more a browsing tool, to discover what this week’s (and next week’s) releases are, before you actually have them in hand.

I guess i was confused then. Since NCBD is part of the + (add) options, i was trying to use it to quickly add issues without the barcode scanner. As nice as the scanner is, it can have some challenges. A NCBD My Series or Pull List with no Bs (similar to how the standard Series add operates) would be a slight improvement.

When we redesigned the NCBD tab, we actually had, for quite a few weeks the idea to split it OFF from the “Add” screen to its own screen - but since people do like to “add to wish list” from the NCBD tab, so they can add all those new releases they’re getting at the shop on their wish list, we felt it should stick in the “Add” screen as you’re still adding (to wish list often).

Even after last week’s update?
Can you tell me what the challenges are so that we can try and resolve them?

The issues are more on the camera end - poor lighting or poor focus issues for different cover stock/gloss levels. Once the scanner catches the bars, I rarely see issues with lookups against Core.

In any event, give it a thought. Having a Bs toggle on the non-stacked NCBD All Releases views would be a benefit to some.