Feature Request: NIC list, show all lists

This is actually two items but they’re related.

  1. The In Collection Series main view displays a condensed Have list. Wish List includes a condensed Want list.

Could we get a similar condensed list for the other types (e.g., Not In Collection shows NIC: …)?

In Collection



  1. On the unfiltered Full Collection main view, only Have is shown. At a minimum, it would be nice to see the Want list (if applicable) but also any of the others that might get added from #1 above.

I understand this could add a lot of extra detail on the Full Collection view. To compensate, maybe add a config setting to toggle which condensed list(s) actually get displayed in unfiltered mode.

We indeed did implement this for the Wish List mode, as we received requests for that, but never did this for all status modes.
Will think about that one.

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