Feature request: "Played date" and "Times played" functionality

It would be awesome if Music Collector (and the other platforms) included a “Played date” data field, as well as a “Times played” counter. Similar functionality already exists in Comic Collector and Book Collector, as well as Movie Collector where “View date” is available (without an associated counter field). I’ve got a user-defined field for “Played date” that works OK, but an ‘official’ field would be preferable.

We have a feature like that for movies and books (Seen Date, Read Date), but since there was very little demand for it for music, the feature never made it to Music Collector.

It is on the ideas list for Music Connect and CLZ Music.

As for “Times played/watched/read” - that is also on the ideas list to expand on that field/feature.

For Music Collector Windows I recommend creating a User Defined Field.

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Thanks for that. Yes, I’m already using my own user-defined field to capture “Played date”, but haven’t gone as far as creating an associated counter field. I’ve always been surprised that the fields didn’t already exist.
I’ve only just become aware that support for Music Collector is coming to an end (if it hasn’t ended already). I don’t know how well that fact has been publicised. It would be great if the functionality I’ve mentioned could be added to Music Collector. Maybe it’s worth polling the Music Collector user community to see what features should be added to a final version of Music Collector, although I can understand if that has already happened.

I’m afraid Music Collector is feature-frozen right now, this will not make its way there if we do decide to build it. We do of course still support it, and maintenance builds can happen if it suddenly stops working due to a Windows update or something else.

Doing a poll and making a “final version” sounds like the wrong signal if you understand me. But yeah, I’m not here to discuss that :slight_smile:

Your idea is good, and I do think it will eventually make its way to our mobile app CLZ Music , and Music Connect.