Feature request: share a collection

Any way to get an update to the mobile app where I can share a collection directly from the mobile app without having to go from mobile app to the web portal login and then generate a link from there? Seems silly to not be able to generate a link from the mobile app

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Can you elaborate on “generate a link”?
The link to your CLZ Cloud page is always the same, no need to “generate” it, no need to log in to your cloud even.

Your cloud link is (note the typo):

Always, it doesn’t change.

Meaning, if I am on my cell phone, and going through my collections and a friend I’m with says " hey send me your collection to look at" that I can simply click an option on the mobile app that says " share collection"… It then either generates a links or gives me the option as to how to share, email…text…Whatsapp… Without having to login in to the web portal. The mobile app is great it feels under utilized

Just tap the view on CLZ Cloud link in the app, it opens in your browser, copy/paste the URL from the address bar, text or email it to your friend.
But again, the URL is always the same and easy to remember.

If you change your user name to “hotslabs” it is even easier :slight_smile:

cloud dot collectorz dot com slash hotslabs :slight_smile:

But that then redirects me from the app to the webpage. That’s the step that should be eliminated. A user should be able to generate that link directly from the app. The mobile app is the future of CLZ. I should be able to have the same functionality through the mobile app as I do the webpage. While using the mobile app, I sometimes feel like it’s not the focus of the company and is an afterthought. There’s so much potential for increases features and functionality.
For example, there is a platform called shortboxed, it’s a buying/selling platform for comics only. They have this feature where, when you make a listing to sell a graded cgc comic, it scans the listing photo and grabs the cgc cert from the photo, prefills the cert # on the slab and pulls the cgc cencus data for that book all simultaneously. I’m not suggesting CLZ needs all the same features, but if I could scan a slabbed graded cgc book and have CLZ grab the cert # off the slab and prefill certain fields when adding a graded book to my collection would be incredible. I can take a vid of the process if you are curious

Sure we could integrate that into the app, but that development investment, would literally save you just ONE tap.
Now, you tap View CLZ Cloud, your browser opens and you click your browsers Share button to share via text message, Whats App, email etc…
If we would integrate it into the app, you would tap a Share button inside the app and then you choose text/email/etc… Saves one tap.

I feel you are asking us to re-build simple web-link sharing functionality into the app, while all that is available OS-level functionality.
In any case, I don’t think that something like this should be using up our precious development time :slight_smile:
I’d rather write up a quick manual topic on “how to share your cloud link”.

The app is our main focus at the moment. Second is the web-based software.

Something like this is on our ideas list. But we are hesitant, because if we do, people may expect that they automatically get all comic details from Core, and THAT is the part that would be very hard to do, is there is no automatic link between a CGC series name and issue number to the specific entry in Core.

Anyway, thanks for your advice.

I specialize in telecommunications and computer networking , coding isn’t my strong point. So I don’t always know the full scope of work needed to implement these kinds of changes mentioned.
Any request or suggestions stem from being a daily active user of the CLZ mobile app.

I just want to get the most out of the product.
A share button should most definitely be available on the mobile app. This just makes the most sense from a user standpoint.

I am not suggesting that CLZ be involved in the sellers market, in regards to comics, but the selling market can’t be ignored. Just because CLZ is a collectors tool, doesn’t mean in can’t be tweaked to accommodate sellers as well.

It would just lead to more downloads and more monthly subscribers.