Features Request

Would love to be able to sort movies by actor/actress, director from the statistics screen.

A fandango logo/option for all the Blu-ray’s and 4k’s that come with a digital copy instead of just the word “digital”

A way to be able to sort movies by seen/unseen

Thanks! Love the app!!!

Sorting in our apps is the order a list of items appears from top to bottom.

I’m thinking you should want to look into Folders, and not from statistics, but from your main screen.

  • So go to your list of movies where you see all of them
  • tap the FOLDER button top left
  • then tap ACTORS and you should see all movies grouped by actor. You can sort by “amount” or A-Z. You can also search there, in the new searchbox above the list of folders.


  • Tap the folder button
  • Tap “Seen it”
  • Now you can see all movies you have Seen it: YES, or Seen it: NO.

As for fandango, I have that on a request list here indeed. For now I recommend just tapping the movie, tap edit, then add the format Fandango to it.

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