Field descriptions

Is there anywhere I could get a list of the fields in books and a brief description of the use. As an example, on the covers tab you have a front cover, a back cover and a BACKDROP, what is a backdrop? Also on the details tab, the volume box seems to be for any text, similar to the main title box, but I think of volumes like an encyclopedia Vol.1, Vol. 2 … Just looking for some opinions on confusing fields, I realize you can use a field for anything.

I don’t have a list of descriptions for fields, but, most fields should speak for themselves and I’m happy to explain if you want to know about more fields.

A volume would be one book in a series, and you can just type “1” in there and it will work. You could also type other stuff in ther, just depending on how you would use the field. Typing “1” there, will automatically show it as Vol. 1 in the details panel.

If you use that for encyclopedia’s, that’s fine.

Backdrop is the image that shows in the details panel, behind the details. If nothing is filled in, it will use a zoomed image of the front cover.

Thanks for the info, I actually use the Series field for a series and the Issue field for the number. Box Set and Volume seem to be the same thing, display differently? If you look at the Box Set folder, do you get a list of books under it?

Box Set is different, say if you have books 1, 2 and 3, and then you edit the box set field and have all the books have “Boxset Name” in them, then they are “linked” together.

Try it out by just putting something in the box set field for 1 book, and the same in the box set field for another book, and see what you get.

Other than that, feel free to use the fields as you please, you’re the boss!