If the comma is used as a field-divider on export, all fields already containing a comma shift one fiield (or ‘column’) to the right. This will be the case with dates (recording-, release-), although I don’t know why dates are in American format instead of the regional system setting. I noticed a comma is also used as separator between sir name and Christian names. If so, it will shift fields too. I think this is to be considered as a bug.
It seems to me the ability to use a comma as field-separator in an export should be impossible. This will be the case in all other Connect-apps too I presume.
Use the field delimiter to delimit fields
So you’re saying things with comma’s will shift to the next field?
That’s where the 'field enclosure" comes in to help you out! If you set that to “quote” or “double quote” then the comma outside of the field enclosure will be the field delimiter, and any comma inside the field enclosure will not delimit the field.
Exporting Dates:
As for exporting dates, it will just use the “Display Settings” from “Settings”.
So go to “menu” top left, then click “Settings” then for Date format (for displaying) set it to whatever you like as that will be used for the export too.
You’re right (of course). I overlooked this settings.
Problem solved.