File not being created

When I try to change anything I get the message "Cannot create file C:Users\dmcho\Documents\Book Collector\sorttitle.txt. The system cannot find the path specified,.

Any ideas.

Hi @108302

Sorry to hear you’re having some troubles with the program.

The error you encountered is likely caused by a folder protection via Avast/AVG Antivirus, Windows Protection or another antivirus software.

IMPORTANT: Can you please let me know if you indeed used Avast or AVG Antivirus?

AVAST/AVG Antivirus
Do you by any chance use Avast Antivirus or AVG Antivirus? If so, please follow these steps to make the program work again:

If you use regular Windows protection: follow these steps:

  1. Open the Virus & threat settings by searching the Start Menu for “Virus & threat protection”
  2. Click “Manage Ransomware protection”.
  3. Set the switch for Controlled folder access to Off
    (or use “Allow an app through Controlled folder access” and add our program!)

See if you can find a way to allow our program to write in the “Documents > Book Collector” folder. If you can’t find it, see if you can contact the developers of your antivirus program, to see if they have instructions for that.

Or: Stop using the desktop software and move to Book Connect
Don’t want all that? That’s okay too, we have an alternative!
You might want to look into moving to “Book Connect” instead of using the Windows desktop software. Let me know if you’re interested in that.

Thanks for getting back.

Problem arose on a failed system backup.

Sorted it (for this and music collector) by backing all data up to separate directories, reinstalling the software, and then moving the data back. Slightly complex, but effective.