Find Online Cover Unavailable


I have been having an issue with most covers showing “Unavailable” after I click the one I want when using Find Cover Online. I can typically find the cover I want, but end up taking a photo since the matching choices come up unavailable.

Appears to be an issue with Safari browser on Mac OS 14.6.1. Tried with Google Chrome and covers are available.

Thank you,

Do you have some kind of browser plugin active in Safari that may cause this?
If the covers ARE available in Chrome, then something in Safari must be blocking them.

No settings or plugins changed since I started noticing the issue. At first, it looked like it was only the smaller sized images that it said were unavailable and a larger one would work. Slowly more and more were unavailable, and now almost always can’t find one that matches and works. Possibly triggered by an update to Safari, but also does not seem to correspond with updates I am aware of. Now that I realize it was just in Safari, will keep playing around to see if I can locate cause.


Seems to be in Settings for…Page Zoom. Covers are unavailable if I choose 85% or 115%. Covers are available in all the other choices.

Apparently this setting changes when you zoom in or out under the View menu in Safari and I apparently zoomed out at some point.

Mystery seems solved.


Thanks for investigating and finding the cause!

We have fixed the problem now. Can you confirm?

Looks like it is working better. Checking some random covers I find that some still are unavailable at 85%.

Looks like these images are actually Unavailable.
Either these do not exist on the original website anymore, or the website does not allow the direct downloading of their images.

That makes sense. Probably what I was experiencing before I zoomed and all the options became unavailable. Thanks for the attention and quick resolution!