[Fixed] 60 For 60: Sketches Under Lockdown

During the covid lockdowns of 2020 Jim Lee took to Twitch to draw 60 different DC characters with each piece being auctioned off and proceeds going to independent comic book shops. The winner of each auction would pick the subject of the next piece, though they had to be a DC character and no repeats (though alternate universe versions seemed to be ok). These sketches were collected in 2022 and sold in this HC through Jim Lee’s Discord channel and at conventions with proceeds also going to charity.

Series Title: 60 For 60: Sketches Under Lockdown
Release Date: 2022
Barcode: none
Format: HC
Color: Black & White
Genre: Art / Pinup
Country: USA
Language: English
Cover Price: $100
Artist: Jim Lee

Cover art:

@MetalChris this is a artbook, not a comic, so I would advice you to just manually add this to your local database instead.

Your entry will sync to and from CLZ Cloud, with all the manually added information, including the cover art and your manually entered creator and character lists.

Thank you for reporting though!