[Fixed] Action Comics Vol.3 (Norah Stone apps)

Hi all,

Currently, you have 3 minor keys associated with Norah Stone/Sister Shadow.

Those are #1056 (1st cameo), #1057 (1st app), #1060 (1st app Norah Stone as Sister Shadow).

However, all those identities are aliases of Janan Al Ghul who first appeared in Batman/Superman : The Authority Special #1.

So, i believe the correct approach would be to upgrade Batman/Superman : The Authority Special #1 to a minor key (1st app Janan Al Ghul), downgrade #1056, #1057 to non-keys, and change #1060 as 1st app. Sister Shadow (Janan Al Ghul), and to be honest, im not sure that the latter is really a minor key as well.

I know, i was confused too :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot,
Stamatis Grispos

Thank you for posting! I have removed all of the AC keys and added Janan al Ghul to Authority Special.

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