[Fixed] Aspen Comics Core Errors

According to the database there are 4 Volumes of Jirni, should be 3 Volumes!
Vol.2 has 6 issues in the Database, should be 5!

Executive Assistant Iris has 5 Volumes total, but the fifth is listed as the fourth Volume. All New Is the Fourth Volume.

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According to the database there are 4 Volumes of Jirni, should be 3 Volumes!

I checked online but noticed other sites also show 4 volumes. Feel free to elaborate on this please.

Vol.2 has 6 issues in the Database, should be 5!

Corrected this just now, thank you for reporting.

Executive Assistant Iris has 5 Volumes total, but the fifth is listed as the fourth Volume. All New Is the Fourth Volume

Working on this. Will keep you updated here.

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Plot text/solicit text clearly says Vol.3
Aspen always states the Volume on the front. I also bought the entire third Volume from the Aspen Store, but CLZ says Vol.4

Vol.4 according to CLZ, top left corner clearly says Vol.3

Vol.4 according to CLZ, top left corner clearly says Vol.3

I don’t know how your other sources come up with Vol.4 but there really isn’t one.

Looking at some info I could find, issue 1 of 2014 should’ve been vol 2 but after some BTS troubles it started over with the 2015 release of #1. Therefore #1 2014 is considered a One-shot of Volume 2. We had duplicates of #2-5 in which were solicited as follow ups of the 2014 #1 but were never released. Conclusion: both our Volume 2 and 3 should be in Volume 2 and Vol 4 should be 3. This has been fixed, thank you for posting!