[Fixed] BARCODE 7141252642174

This barcode 7141252642174 needs to have some additional titles added to this 5 title blu-ray movie set. It’s all on one disc.

Je brûle de partout (1978) by Jess Franco (HD) ALREADY LISTED

Dark Mission (1987) directed by Jess Franco in HD NEEDS TO BE ADDED
A.D.N. le dernier homme (1984) directed y Ali Borgini (HD) NEEDS TO BE ADDED
French Love (1998) directed by François Cognard & François Fiol (SD) NEEDS TO BE ADDED
Les Volets bleus (1987) directed by Haydee Caillot (SD) NEEDS TO BE ADDED

Thank you for your help.

Topic moved to the Core Errors section.

I’ve assigned the reported barcode to the correct movie collection in CORE.
Thank you for reporting :slight_smile: