[Fixed] Blasfamous #1

Hi Team,

Can I ask for a correction and add to the core for Blasfamous #1?

Your current listing for 1F - Artgerm Variant, the cover is incorrect and should be:

Second, can I get a new variant added, a virgin variant by Artgerm. The image I have is a full view of the front and back (are you ok to crop?).

This cover is limited to 500 copies, and has the barcode: 61499847323610111

Also, just a heads up that the format for Blasfamous isn’t standard comic size, and is squarebound.



Ugh. A bit of a correction on all this! The ‘trade’ version just arrived and the only difference between the trade and the virgin is the logo, which is on the back cover :joy:

@FranDropik added, thank you for reporting.

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Thanks @CLZ_Rowdy!

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