[Fixed] Bubblegun Crisis Tokyo 2040 missing information

Format: DVD
Barcode: 702727001826
Title: Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Vol 1: Genesis
Missing information: Missing all episode information

Format: DVD
Barcode: 702727002021
Title: Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Vol 4 : Buried Secrets
Missing information: Plot info, Cast and crew info and missing all episode information

Format: DVD
Barcode: 702727002229
Title: Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Vol 5: Blood and Steel
Missing information: Plot info; and missing all episode information

Format: DVD
Barcode: 702727002526
Title: Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Vol 6: For all mankind
Missing information: Plot info, cast and crew info and missing all episode information

Updated in CORE.
Thank you for reporting.

Unfortunately, We can’t add duplicate barcodes to CORE, but I’ve updated part 4 as well.
You can add it by using “702727002120” in the barcode search.

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