Chapterhouse was a Canadian publisher incorporated in Canada. They stopped publishing.
The ownership of Chapterhouse started a new publisher, Lev Gleason Inc. which is a US publisher incorporated in USA. Comic House is an imprint of Lev Gleason.
Lev Gleason Inc. should also not be confused with British golden age publisher Lev Gleason Publications.
Chapterhouse never published a Comic House labeled comic even though there was some confusion at Diamond during the transition.
Chapterhouse = Canadian
Lev Gleason Inc. (Comic House) = USA
Having a title in CLZ with a publisher of Chapterhouse and an imprint of Comic House is very incorrect.
Captain Canuck, Vol. 4 issues 1a through 1d are fine. Chapterhouse printed those issues and you see the Chapterhouse logo on the cover.
Captain Canuck, Vol.4 issue 2a was solicited but never released. This cover, as depicted, never existed and should be removed. no one has one.
Captain Canuck, Vol. 4 issue 1e and 2b should be moved to a new series called “Captain Canuck Season 5”, publisher changed to Lev Gleason Inc, imprint is Comic House, country is USA and both relabeled as 1a and 2a variants. The inside covers mention alternative covers but these too were never published.
There is technically two versions of Captain Canuck, Vol. 4 issue 1e. A glossy cover and paper version released directly on the Lev Gleason website, and a matte cover and paper version released through Diamond. They are identical in every way except paper stock. Same UPC, came indicia, same page count and ads.