[Fixed] Commando

In Core, ‘Commando: War Stories in Pictures’, ‘Commando: For Action and Adventure (UK)’, ‘Commando Presents TP’ and ‘Commando’ are all the same long-running publication, published by D.C. Thomson (not Diamond, as one entry says and the TP entry isn’t a TP). You can safely amalgamate all four listings. (Commando started in July 1961 and is still going.) (Commando Presents Ramsey’s Raiders is a spinoff and is correctly listed.)

@Owlboy wanted to let you know we’re working on this. Will notify when ready.

Thanks! I should indicate my tone here: I love your service, and enjoy helping iron out any issues in my own small way! So don’t feel I’m hectoring you about Captain Britain!

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No worries, and thank you so much for the kind words!

It took a while due to some issues but the series have been merged.
The series in Core is now listed as ‘Commando: War Stories in Pictures’.

Of course, feel free to reply if you have any questions.