[Fixed] Did I Add the Correct Issue? ASM 129

I am new to this, so not sure if I have posted this question in the right place, and otherwise not sure how to phrase certain things. I am looking for clarification on finding the correct comic to add to my collection.
My husband passed away and I am logging his comic books in your app/website. He has an ASM #129 which I know he acquired 10-15 years ago at least. The only one I seem to be able to match his issue to is 129A, because covers match exactly. However, the details in the app/database for 129A say “Release 2018” and “cover price $1.00”. This doesn’t seem right. Maybe Release means something different than I think? I am just plain confused about the differences in cover price.
Indicia for the issue states February 1974 issue and doesn’t say anything about reprint.
Thanks for any clarification you can provide about Release and Cover Price details.

As a fellow user, I can verify that the main, original release of Amazing Spider-Man #129 has some data mistakes in Connect. It has a release date of Nov 2018 (which is wrong, it should be something like Dec 1973), and has $1.00 listed as the price (which it’s clearly 20 cents on the cover). I suspect that this information was true for some reprint at some point, and then it got spread to all copies of the book.
I would go strictly by the cover art for this one. If there’s more than one that still looks like it could be it, let me know and I’ll try to help further.

Thank you for your response. It makes me feel a little better to know that there might be a mistake in Connect. I had started to worry that maybe my husband did not acquire the issue he thought he did. None of the issue covers in Connect other than 1A match the cover that he has. Except maybe the Mark jewelers variant, which I know it is not.

FYI: I haved moved this topic to the Core Errors section.

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Thank you. I had a feeling I didn’t post it in the correct place originally. I appreciate any help.

This has been fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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