[Fixed] Diddly Squat: A Year on the Farm - Incorrect cover

When I tried to add Diddly Squat: A Year on the Farm by Jeremy Clarkson the other day by typing in the ISBN before the book arrived I noticed the cover was wrong.

It was showing the cover for ‘The World According To Kaleb’ who was Jeremy’s main man at Diddly Squat Farm but not correct for this book.

When the book arrived earlier today scanning the ISBN also showed this incorrect cover above. The correct cover should be this one;

Obviously a stealth attack by Kaleb and although younger and better looking than our Jeremy it’s not the correct cover. But well played Kaleb! :rofl:

Hope that helps?

Thanks & kind regards,

If you could send me the ISBN number I will fix it for you as soon as possible.
Thank you

Sorry Martin…I forgot that!

ISBN for Diddly Squat: A Year on the Farm is;


Hope that helps?


Thank you :slight_smile:
I’ve updated the reported book in CORE.

That was quick! You’re a star…thank you. :+1:
