[Fixed] Error description Dynavision

The description and manufacturer of the Dynavision console is incorrect. I can provide this correct data.

I have removed the wrong information and would like to add the correct information for the Dynavision console, so if you can provide the info I will add it to our hardware list as soon as possible. Thank you :slight_smile:

Dynavision System
Release - January 1984
Manufacturer - Dynacom EletrĂ´nica LTDA

Dynavision was the first attempt by the well-known Brazilian company Dynacom to launch a video game console during the expansion of the Brazilian electronic games market. In the early 80s, Jerry Mayo joined Gabriel Almog as a commercial arm for the company and then the video game emerged as a product at Dynacom around 1983, when Almog, during a trip to the USA, saw the Atari 2600 craze and I brought some console cartridges to Brazil. To make the cartridges, an old TV remote control mold was used that only had the on and off button. And to make the console, an old record player model was used that underwent some modifications until reaching the final product.

It is important to remember the historical context of the 80s. At this time, the import of electronic equipment in general was prohibited, due to legislation. This means that video games are also on this list of prohibitions. It was only possible to manufacture them here and by Brazilian companies. This was a way of encouraging the national computer industry. We will not enter into the debate as to whether this was right or wrong, as it is not the focus. What we should know is that this prohibition existed and that it was called “Market Reserve”.

Dynacom was a company that gained fame due to its production of accessories and video games. Until 1983 it was a small company and one of the pioneers in the manufacture of national cartridges.
At this time in 1983, the company Dynacom announced the launch of a console compatible with the Atari 2600 and presented a prototype at UD in the first half of 83. For those who don’t know, “UD” is a kind of exhibition of electro-electronic equipment. At the time, UD was just a “demonstration” fair and nothing was sold. This console presented was very robust, it also had a completely different and original design. This was the Dynavision console, announced in 83, but it only arrived in stores at the end of January and beginning of February 84, costing 240 thousand Cruzeiros (more or less R$ 1,600.00).

The console
The Dynavision had attractive features, the controls were input from the front of the console; flashy buttons and controls; its improved circuit “silenced” the TV when the video game was turned off to change cartridges, which avoided the annoying hiss. It was indeed a robust console with an original design, catching the attention of many. In its first version, the console had five buttons on the panel and one next to the cartridge input.

The control
Dynastick was the famous controller that came with the Dynavision. It was a control with a double fire button, anatomical, resistant and with suction cups. Although some people “turn their noses up” at the control, it was in fact a resistant and excellent quality control.

The Dynavision did not have as much market penetration, not only because it was Dynacom’s first video game, but because there were several clones of the Atari 2600. Production of the device was limited and divided electronic stores as a cheaper option for a second generation console.

Thank you for the information,
I’ve added the Dynavision System to CORE :slight_smile:

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I made another post talking about other Brazilian consoles that I can also pass on. Including all other Dynavisions that were released later.

Dynacom had several consoles and a line of cartridges and accessories of its own. I think it would be interesting to register the company so that the items could be cataloged there.