[Fixed] Gatecrasher #1

I am going back thru my collection and noticed a mistake with Gatecrasher #1. You list three covers for it. This is the second series of Gatecrasher that is cover dated August 2000 from Black Bull. The 1A is the cover I have. The 1C cover should actually be 1B. The cover you have for 1B is actually the cover for the tdp that was released by Image in 2012. You do have the tdp in the core. There is a third cover for #1 which was a Wizard World exclusive.

@timeman1 I’m looking at Core and I notice the first series is liste ‘Gatecrasher: Ring of Fire’.

Regarding ‘Gatechrasher’: I have removed the incorrect issue #1B, changed the variant lettering order and added the Wizard World variant. Thank you for letting us know.