[Fixed] Movie "De Zevende Hemel" (2016) in linked to the wrong IMDb title. Please correct!l

In your core database the Blu-ray of the Dutch movie “De Zevende Hemel” (2016) (barcode 8713045247980) is linked to the wrong movie with the same title from 1993.
It is now linked to https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0154030, but it should be linked to https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5320518

Please, can you correct this?

Thank you for reporting.
I’ve assigned the reported barcode to the correct movie in CORE.

Thank you! In the Web software I now see the correct IMDb-movie. However, in the mobile app it is still linked to the other, wrong IMDb-movie, even after syncing CLZ MOVIES. How do I fix that? Do I need to perform an update from core in the mobile app?

An update will never overwrite existing movie IDs. So it is best to remove the wrong movie from your database and re-add the correct movie with a new barcode search.