[Fixed] Multiple Invalid Formats

The following books have either no format or an incorrect format listed. I can describe them to you but I would like some guidance from you as to how you specifically name these rather than just telling you.

The Archie/Predator and Elektra are close in side to Ashcans. They are not thick like digests.

The Drakes Cakes and X-Men books are only about 3 inches long. In my own collection I categorize these as “Mini” but not sure if you guys have an equivalent. Definitely not as large or thick as Digests and much smaller than Ashcan.


The Archie vs. Predator was a duplicate. I have merged this one to the correct entry in the same series.

For all the other ones I assigned ‘Comic’. Since that is what they are. I understand your point but we shouldn’t make it more difficult than it is. :+1: