[Fixed] OPINION: 2 that are both key for basically same "1st"

Kid Venom: Origins #1 is key because " 1st solo title of Kid Venom (Kintaro)" (…and this is just a reprint of the 4 stories from Death of the Venomverse, not even anything original). This shouldn’t be a key because (a) it’s not ongoing (b) it’s just a reprint of other stuff

Kid Venom #1 is key because “1st solo series of Kid Venom (Kintaro)” I can see this being a key as it’s at least an ongoing series of original material.

It seems pretty thin to make one a 1st title key (for a reprint one-shot) & one a first series key… kind of duplicating the same key reason in 2 places. just my 2 cents.

I think you’re mistaken by the wording I used. 1st solo title refers to Kid Venom: Origins being the first time he has his first solo title and not series. It comes before the use of 1st solo series. This is because of what you said not an ongoing series. This is why 1st solo series is on Kid Venom #1. This is the same way with a lot of other books so I won’t be changing this one. Thank you for posting though, happy to explain our reasons when needed :blush:

@CLZ_Justin thanks for the explanation…
I need a reminder every once in a while to make me remember why i have minor keys turned off and don’t use what is set in core…
I think they work fine for most users. I have too many personal disagreements about the proliferation of things called keys.