[Fixed] Pricecharting ID Corrections

Note that some may be correct already, i’m now reporting all barcodes with ID that match the edition. I had to fix this on most with edition.

From now on i will report these as i go :slight_smile: sorry for the wall of IDs

Barcode | ID
5030935024173 | 68194
3307215690345 | 3366101
023272007720 | 813218
5030935112597 | 72342
093155141995 | 53880
5030945097037 | 4408984
8023171036168 | 3435251
3307215639580 | 59608
093155142657 | 1341222
093155142626 | 1333806
4020628509385 | 2381325
711719657422 | 68136
5030917013737 | 68143
5030917016837 | 68149
711719793823 | 68162
3455192111138 | 68039
711719284727 | 68049
4988602449617 | 68379
711719265122 | 68118
711719886525 | 68038
711719694922 | 68090
5030930025342 | 68112
711719676423 | 68161
5028587081316 | 68134
5024866242195 | 68045
5030945021070 | 68061
5024866240382 | 68169
5030945028130 | 68132
5013658085645 | 68110
5029988003891 | 68072
5030930021108 | 68050
5028587081392 | 68084
5024866340976 | 91293
5021290043282 | 91280
5030917056208 | 91288
711719710820 | 68383
5021290051263 | 1341221
5021290059139 | 1341289
5021290048164 | 1333815
711719159377 | 67043
5030945101321 | 1333807
5030945108870 | 1341252
5030945096634 | 1341257
5060286001431 | 3112513
5030930096748 | 68800
3307215793251 | 55657
5030945103004 | 65414
5030945104384 | 2845639
5030945100232 | 69318
5055856404026 | 4758842
5051892085076 | 2163208
711719206149 | 59606
3307210341600 | 162147
711719404019 | 2163240
5026555407458 | 63477
093155149557 | 54574
711719163794 | 71016
5051895249536 | 4341132
5055060924747 | 6328942
711719218265 | 1589473
711719242079 | 5058671
5030935024043 | 1519556
5026555406291 | 1341216
4005209164450 | 1333812
5026555402903 | 4892223
5026555405645 | 54572
4020628904883 | 2435343
5030930025212 | 2267029
4012927055052 | 70341

Updated the editions in CORE.
Thank you

Note: A large number of these barcodes already had a correct edition field and the correct priceID. To avoid extra work, try to make sure to leave these out next time.

I fully understand that, and it will not happen again, as i now will report them as i come across them.

When a region change is reported in CORE, do you change the PCID as well then? or should this be reported separately?

Thanks :blush:

This happens automatically with the normal editions, which are automatically linked to the region. Special editions and such can best be reported.

Will do.

i’ll probably report quite some in the coming weeks as i’m re-indexing everything.
Thanks for the quick corrections and feedback