[Fixed] Recall

Title: Recall
Barcode: 9798887572369
Cover Artist: Danijel Zezelj
Publisher: Invader Comics
Release Date: 2022
Country: USA
Format: TP
Writer: Kevin Miller
Artist: Danijel Zezelj

Plot: A couple finds themselves pursued by mysterious lights in the sky along a remote highway. Is their pursuit a dream or something more sinister? Inspired by the Betty and Barney Hill abduction, the first widely publicized alien abduction in the United States,Recall is a graphic novel about race, romance, and fear

@Dean this was already listed in Core (listed as ‘Recall’).

Just curious, have you tried searching for it by series title or by barcode?

Hi @CLZ_Rowdy, I think I must have just searched via the bar code and assumed it was an obscure book. I’ve gone back and scanned the bar code gain and I can see that an extra two digits appear when you scan it, that isn’t written below the bar code. It scans as 979888757236940, which is different to what appears in the box listing.

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