[Fixed] Sin City TP

Being that this is the 8th printing of the first edition and still has the same cover as 1A, technically the covers listed as B, C & D would all actually come after this one, but that might be getting too technical.

Title: Sin City TP
Issue: 1
Variant: H
Description: First Trade Edition 8th Printing
Barcode: 9781878574596
Cover Artist: Frank Miller
Publisher: Dark Horse
Release Date: Jan 1993 (this is the date of the 1st trade edition no new date is in the indicia)
Country: USA
Format: Trade Paperback
Writer: Frank Miller
Artist: Frank Miller
Pages: 208
Price $15

@Dean all these later printings share the same barcode, 9781878574596

I just noticed #1A didn’t had barcode listed. I noticed the entry had a backcover and the barcode listed there was the same as you mentioned, so I added the barcode to entry #1A.

A solution for you would be to add #1A and manually edit the entry in your local database to your personal taste?