Title: Thirteen (you have it listed as Thirt3en, the cover is actually ‘Th1rt3en’ but the indica is just ‘Thirteen’)
Publisher: DC Comics
Imprint: 2000AD
Date: 2005
You list the Publisher as 2000AD. This actually came out at the time DC was licensing 2000AD material and publishing it under a 2000AD imprint. In small print it say DC comics above the 2000AD logo.
Below is a better cover image. I not sure if 2000AD ever did Thor own print copy of this but I think the DC was the first standalone printing. It had been in 2000AD Prog 1289-1299
It is not an imprint though. Like you said it’s DC licensing the 2000AD title. An imprint is a publisher under the bigger publisher umbrella. Looking at comics.org, even they have not mentioned as such. So we won’t be adding it either.