[Fixed] X-Men, Vol. 1 cover strangeness

I have two issues of X-Men cover 1E entered which are correct when I view my cloud.collectorz.com account in a web browser but the app says I have no 1E and the two 1E covers show as 1J. I’m confused. Help!

I’ll add that one of my issues has a COA which lists it as 1E and several other sites I’ve checked have the same cover as 1E.

@PsychoPhil @PsychoPhil the image you are referring to in the screenshot is listed in the series as issue #1J. I would advice to link it to that.

There was a signed edition listed with the same image but we removed that just now, seeing it is the exact same comic.

If you want to add that one too I would advice to manually add that to your local database instead.

I hope this answered your question.