Hey I just wanted to say thanks for the forum, and I very much enjoy the application. One thing that’s always bothered me though is when adding a release date to an unknown game addition to your library the default selection box shows the current year and future years. The odds I’m adding a game that is coming out in the future is low. It would be great if the drop down showed the current year and backwards instead so i don’t need to scroll to find the year if its a semi-recent title.
It would be useful if the dropdown starts on the current year and then backwards.
But I do have a small suggestion here: remove unused years:
Go to menu Edit > Manage Pick Lists
Now click the “Year” list.
Now click the “select unused” button at the top
Then remove the unused years. This will remove all those years in the future (you can add them again when we get to those years of course)
That will likely make it a bit easier already for you to use the year dropdown field there!
Just wanted to show you this option too, not sure if you’ve ever tried it, you can click the little “dropdown” arrow next to the date fieldname, to open a date-picker. Ever tried that?