I stumbled upon some flaws/inaccuracy in the German Translations.
When changing settings, in the bottom right corner there is a confirmation, that the settings have been saved.
In the German Version the Term for “Rescued” is written there.
It is nice, that my settings are rescued, but as i do not hunt them, this should not be necessary.
I would suggest to use “Gespeichert” here.
In Album Linking there is written “Spielstand” which is a literal translation from the Englisch “Match-Score” and which is not quite right in German.
I would suggest to use “Ergebnis” here.
The Album Editscreen confused me a little bit on the first use.
There is always stated “CD” also when i am editing a Vinyl.
In this Example i would suggest the following:
“CD #1” should be “Disc #1”
“CD hinzufügen” should be “Disc hinzufügen”
“CD-Titel hinzufügen” should maybe be “Header hinzufügen” as in the Desktopversion or maybe “Disc-Titel hinzufügen”.
No Dealbreakers here of course, but this could be used to smoothen the German Translations a bit.
And something in Album Details for the Item where the Album was bought.
“unter” here means “under”.
I would suggest to use “bei” which would be nearer to the englisch “at”.
To all of the Users of Connect, suggesting improvements to the German Translations: Thank you, you’re welcome.
Rescued/Gesichert is wrong. I changed it to Saved/Gespeichert.
Spielstand: I’m no Gamer, so I used Spielstand for the translation. Well: Changed Match-score: to Ergebnis:. I’m not pleased with this, but I have no clue, what I should use instead.
It is somewhat difficult to look at the side-effects, some translations are used for. “CD” for example is used frequently within all aspects of Discs. While Vinyl is rarely used.
Nevertheless, I changed it to Disc. (Side A/B in Vinyl?)
While retaining Disc Titel (instead of CD Titel), I will be in sync with the desktop version. Header is not a translation and (somewhat misleading in the context)
“at” is a single word in a translation field. I changed it to bei and will have a look at the result.
Hopefully, I didn’t overlook something. The Preview of the translations looks correct. Don’t know, when Collectorz.com changed the Preview to Production.
Again: Thank you for the suggestions. If you find other problematic translations, feel free to post.
thank for pointing out these problems with an E-Mail. I’m currently overworked, so I had no time to look at this posts in the forum. Well, ashes on my head…
We use Disc and Header everywhere (not CD and Side).
I understand that for Vinyl some would like to use “Side” instead of Header - or Side instead of disc. But anyway in English Connect it’s all Disc and Header!
Didn’t find “Zählen Sie”, but a manual search found “Count”, which translated to Zählen. Changed to Anzahl. A second string in that context I improved too.