German Translation

I stumbled upon some flaws/inaccuracy in the German Translations.


When changing settings, in the bottom right corner there is a confirmation, that the settings have been saved.
In the German Version the Term for “Rescued” is written there.
It is nice, that my settings are rescued, but as i do not hunt them, this should not be necessary. :wink:
I would suggest to use “Gespeichert” here.

In Album Linking there is written “Spielstand” which is a literal translation from the Englisch “Match-Score” and which is not quite right in German.
I would suggest to use “Ergebnis” here.

The Album Editscreen confused me a little bit on the first use.
There is always stated “CD” also when i am editing a Vinyl.
In this Example i would suggest the following:
“CD #1” should be “Disc #1
“CD hinzufügen” should be “Disc hinzufügen”
“CD-Titel hinzufügen” should maybe be “Header hinzufügen” as in the Desktopversion or maybe “Disc-Titel hinzufügen”.

No Dealbreakers here of course, but this could be used to smoothen the German Translations a bit. :wink:

I have seen there is an other Field for “Disc Titel” so maybe “Header…” can it be.


And something in Album Details for the Item where the Album was bought.
“unter” here means “under”.
I would suggest to use “bei” which would be nearer to the englisch “at”.

I will ask our German translator Klaus to take a look :slight_smile:

@BOfH could you take a look at these for us please?

To all of the Users of Connect, suggesting improvements to the German Translations: Thank you, you’re welcome.

Rescued/Gesichert is wrong. I changed it to Saved/Gespeichert.
Spielstand: I’m no Gamer, so I used Spielstand for the translation. Well: Changed Match-score: to Ergebnis:. I’m not pleased with this, but I have no clue, what I should use instead.

It is somewhat difficult to look at the side-effects, some translations are used for. “CD” for example is used frequently within all aspects of Discs. While Vinyl is rarely used.
Nevertheless, I changed it to Disc. (Side A/B in Vinyl?)
While retaining Disc Titel (instead of CD Titel), I will be in sync with the desktop version. Header is not a translation and (somewhat misleading in the context)

“at” is a single word in a translation field. I changed it to bei and will have a look at the result.

Hopefully, I didn’t overlook something. The Preview of the translations looks correct. Don’t know, when changed the Preview to Production.

Again: Thank you for the suggestions. If you find other problematic translations, feel free to post.

:slight_smile: thank for pointing out these problems with an E-Mail. I’m currently overworked, so I had no time to look at this posts in the forum. Well, ashes on my head…:slight_smile:

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We use Disc and Header everywhere (not CD and Side).

I understand that for Vinyl some would like to use “Side” instead of Header - or Side instead of disc. But anyway in English Connect it’s all Disc and Header!

I’ll have a look at this.

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Thanks for checking/adjusting this.

I found something more.

In the Manage Pick List Screen i would suggest to Use “Anzahl” instead of “Zählen Sie”.

Didn’t find “Zählen Sie”, but a manual search found “Count”, which translated to Zählen. Changed to Anzahl. A second string in that context I improved too.

Found one more Item which is not translated.

For the Results of linking, i would suggest it translate to “0 Übereinstimmungen gefunden, 1 Album automatisch verknüpft” in this Example.

And for “No unlinked undefined” i would suggest to use “Keine unverknüpften Alben vorhanden”.